I Bought a Fleshing Knife

Every Leather Sage piece I make is crafted with elk and deer leather that is harvested sustainably by my family in Montana.

I'm learning more and more about the hides, and how to skin them well for tanning.

This year, I bought this fleshing knife.

This knife allows me to scrape the excess off the hide, making the tanning process much cleaner.

Most hunters leave the hides behind because they are so heavy.

I'm humbled to work with these hides and am proud to treat them with such care and respect.

In my Instagram highlight reel:
"Nature & Harvest"
I've shared information and images that break down our hunting experiences. There is also a timelapse of me using this new fleshing knife. Please go check it out if you want to learn more.

This is such a huge part of the process and the work behind what I create, that I would encourage all of you to keep your minds open to listening and lean into any discomfort that may arise.

Hunting is conservation, but we know we are blessed to have the opportunity to harvest this much clean food for our family.

These animals are gorgeous. We recognize their spirit and respect their wisdom.

All of us are grown and nurtured from mother nature. We are so grateful to be in rhythm with her and have the honor of experiencing her gifts.

After a time the grieving process moves through and the excitement builds, because we have just earned our food from this incredible land.

I've learned how to quarter an animal on my own, and I know I can survive in the elements if necessary.

These are the moments I feel closest to my mother and closest to this earth.

May we all continue to find grounding in mother nature, and recognize our humbled place in this earth.

May we all continue to be mindful, and continue to learn and grow.

May we all seek peace and move towards love.
