A Hard-to-Describe Feeling

This morning I woke up early and remembered the strength in feeling raw. The feeling that comes from this state can be, for me, hard to describe. So this time I tried to give it language:

There is a return to self when we are stripped of all the energies and chaos that pile up around us - those which push down on our freedom to BE. When there is so much influence directing our thoughts, our feelings, our bodies, we max out and let go.

When that influence is released, it is met with a gentle reminder that we are now raw. We are now released of context and free to rebuild in whichever direction we choose. We are re-empowered to create the world around us, and within us.

And although it can feel like weakness, like emptiness, like nothingness... it is in fact a position of release, of choice, of creator. And therefore - of strength.

May this wisdom remain in my heart today and every day.

Today, I embrace my own strength and that which Nature supports. I lean into release, and wear adornments that ground me. (Sometimes, wearing jewelry helps me stay present in my own body.

I am thankful for these pieces made from the land and in honor of the land. I'm thankful for non-dyed deer leather that is soft and gentle on skin. I am thankful for the tedious nature of beading.

This art is, at its very least, the most important tool I have to come home to myself. It is my healing, my meditation, my reset, and my release. .

I love you all and forever offer my gratitude for your kindness and support.
