Logo Inspiration

Deer drop (or "shed) their antlers naturally every year, and then grow new ones. When we went on our Montana road trip in July, this handsome human found a mule deer antler in the oak brush.

First shed of the season for us!

I've got antlers laying around my home. Should I start making art with them? I've been flirting with the idea for a while now, but sometimes they feel too chunky for anyone to want to hang on their wall or from their ceiling.
For now, I have some old school limited edition NeckLeather shirts on sale. They were screen printed locally, and the shirts themselves are super soft. Sizes are "unisex" (so ladies, think men's sizing!) I wear mine all the time.

I have a handful still available, and I'm selling them for $12 a pop. I won't likely be making more any time soon...

The Logo is something I designed myself 🥰 with the help of a few beautiful friends!

The flower is called a Bitterroot - which is the state flower, and also the name of the valley I grew up in.

The shrubbery is Sage, of course!

And the antlers honor the feminine, the divine strength of creation, the importance of our earth mama.

Sending you all light & love,
Xo Magenta

Magenta Reynolds1 Comment