We Carry The Pain

We carry the pain
of our grandmothers.
Both bare feet grow
down into earth,
rooted in the
overfilled compost
of maternal ancestors
and their histories.
These shaking legs
are on fire
as we stand tall
to shoulder stories
of the mistreated
and the violated.

We carry the strength
of our mothers.
Backs bent over
starved elbows
that broke down
boxes and boxes
of Society's
incoming mail.
Fingertips still raw
from pulling out
the sharp staples
of America's
recyclable standards and
acceptable treatments.

We carry the love
of all Womxn.
With voices that
reverberate through
the emptiness
where our magick
was stolen, exploited,
and raped. Our crying
fills us like laughter
as we dance
but on purpose)
in mourning of
our shared grief.

And this is how we heal.

