Posts tagged Reflection
To Release and Move Through

Reminding myself that it's okay to slow down. To return home and find my way back to my todo list. To be gentle on myself. To let my hands make their way through my leather studio. To release and move through, by means of creation.

To take time to smell orchids and find beauty through the shaded places. --
Thanks to all of you for sticking with me through my waves of productive creation and not-so-productive isolation. My heart is grateful.

May we all be kind to our own garden 🌱

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Freckles, Breakouts, and Scars

Taken after a night in the desert under a new moon. I got barely any sleep and spent a lot of time with the stars. In growing up with the dark skies of Montana, a full spread of stars always has a way of bringing me back home to myself.

All the leather I use is harvested and cleaned by myself, or my family, in Montana. Final products are handcrafted at my home studio in San Diego.

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