Posts tagged Women
Gifts of the Process

Each of these four ladies maintain a beautiful strength that is - so far as I see it - braced by a foundation of deep experience, healing, motivation, passion, empathy, and love.

These women embody what I hope to stand for in my creations.

All are made with elk and deer leather that is harvested by me and my family once a year in Montana. The harvest feeds us (with clean, organic, sustainable meat), and allows us a reconnection with this earth. We use as much of the animal as we possibly can, and leave any remaining parts for others along the food chain.

The majority of hunters leave hides behind, as they're heavy to pack out and a nuisance to process.

I keep 100% of our hides, and I clean and prepare them myself.

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Freckles, Breakouts, and Scars

Taken after a night in the desert under a new moon. I got barely any sleep and spent a lot of time with the stars. In growing up with the dark skies of Montana, a full spread of stars always has a way of bringing me back home to myself.

All the leather I use is harvested and cleaned by myself, or my family, in Montana. Final products are handcrafted at my home studio in San Diego.

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What's Your Reason?

I turned to her and I grinned, “I'll buy them all.” Tears came to her eyes, and she got up out of her chair to hug me. When she let go, I thanked her over and over. She wouldn’t accept a free NeckLeather, because she “believes in my work and my heart” and wanted me to sell them instead. She repeated to me how much her seven year old daughter needed this sale. Then she practically jumped back into my arms and hugged me again, but this time squeezing me much tighter and holding on for a few seconds longer. 

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